So I spent this X-Mas and New Years with a bunch of my friends (Adryn, Katie, Erin, Darren) and had (an overcrowded apartment ><;;) a great time. I spent Christmas eve with the girls, and we went to my and Dai's mutual friend, Mai's, bar and stayed all night drinking and singing karaoke. It was fun, but it was a bit tiring, not to mention a complete departure from the Christmases I'm used to. On Christmas Day, the four of us slept in for a bit, then got breakfast (read: lunch) and then came home and watched Wal-E, which is the cutest movie I've seen in a long time.
On the 27th, Darren arrived from the US, and we hung out until just after New Years. On New Year's eve, everyone went to a NewS concert, and then to an Izakaya. Gini joined us for the NewS concert, but not for the Izakaya.
In Japan, everyone eats Christmas Cake...but not everybody lights it with a flaming lobster claw. Therefore, I believe our Christmas experience was truly unique and special.