Just here to let you guys know that I have failed to complete the goals I set out for myself this month as well.
Now, I think I have some pretty good excuses for failing to meet them, but I'm not going to use those as a reason to get out of a punishment. My goals were thus:
- Finish writing the new scene for "The Mark of Flight" (90%)
- Finish the first two lessons of "How to Revise Your Novel" with HELLHOUND (60%)
- Write at least three more blog-posts (100%)
- Successfully move into new apartment (100%)--well, insofar as I now have a key and some boxes. I can't technically "move in" until the first anyway.
Also, the Twilight Punishment video is in the process of being edited. Yes, I completed the punishment, and it was painful, but not quite as painful as anticipated (team Jacob!). I actually ended up watching the Riff-Trax version of the third one with a friend while working on costumes for Animazement. I hated Windows Live Movie Maker so much I downloaded the far superior Windows Movie Maker of old to do all my editing. I'm going to make the completion of that video one of my goals for June.
I must do a cover of Rebecca Black's Friday, complete with crappy music-video and choreography. I will probably need to recruit a few brave individuals to be my "homies". Corinna has generously offered to be my rapper, and Rachel will be her video-ho, so I'm looking forward to that.
OKAY, so my goals for June are as follows:
- Finish at least 3 lessons of "How to Revise Your Novel" with HELLHOUND.
- Write at least one blog post per week.
- Attend two writing club meetings
- Write at least ONE Flash Friday
I just found this online. My suggestion for myself is that I have to do this makeup, including the mustache, and go somewhere public for one hour, and work on one of my failed goals. Vote on your favorite of the suggestions in the comments, or vote for the Old Age