Ink-Stained Scribe

Pending Punishments and Goals for June

Just here to let you guys know that I have failed to complete the goals I set out for myself this month as well.

Now, I think I have some pretty good excuses for failing to meet them, but I'm not going to use those as a reason to get out of a punishment. My goals were thus:

  1. Finish writing the new scene for "The Mark of Flight"   (90%)
  2. Finish the first two lessons of "How to Revise Your Novel" with HELLHOUND  (60%)
  3. Write at least three more blog-posts (100%)
  4. Successfully move into new apartment (100%)--well, insofar as I now have a key and some boxes. I can't technically "move in" until the first anyway.

Also, the Twilight Punishment video is in the process of being edited. Yes, I completed the punishment, and it was painful, but not quite as painful as anticipated (team Jacob!). I actually ended up watching the Riff-Trax version of the third one with a friend while working on costumes for Animazement. I hated Windows Live Movie Maker so much I downloaded the far superior Windows Movie Maker of old to do all my editing. I'm going to make the completion of that video one of my goals for June.


I must do a cover of Rebecca Black's  Friday, complete with crappy music-video and choreography. I will probably need to recruit a few brave individuals to be my "homies". Corinna has generously offered to be my rapper, and Rachel will be her video-ho, so I'm looking forward to that.

OKAY, so my goals for June are as follows:

  1. Finish at least 3 lessons of "How to Revise Your Novel" with HELLHOUND.
  2. Write at least one blog post per week.
  3. Attend two writing club meetings
  4. Write at least ONE Flash Friday
I'm currently taking suggestions for punishments, so if you have any ideas, write them in the comments!


I just found this online. My suggestion for myself is that I have to do this makeup, including the mustache, and go somewhere public for one hour, and work on one of my failed goals. Vote on your favorite of the suggestions in the comments, or vote for the Old Age 

Goals and Punishment for May

Last month I failed to meet my goals, but I'm going to give it the good college try this month. In case you're wondering, I have already watched "New Moon" and am currently in the process of editing the video. Team Jacob!

So, without further ado...


  • Finish writing the new scene for "The Mark of Flight"
  • Finish the first two lessons of "How to Revise Your Novel" with HELLHOUND
  • Write at least three more blog-posts
  • successfully move into new apartment
Now, I know what you guys are all waiting for, and that's the punishment. So here it is:

If I fail to meet my goals this May, I will do a cover of Rebecca Black's "Friday", complete with dance choreography and costume.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, click the video below, take two Tylenol, and call me in the morning.

And it will be in my head for a year. *shudder*

If I succeed in my goals, however, I will do a spoof of "Friday" called "Monday":

It's Monday, Monday, gotta work hard on Monday
Everybody's wishing it was still the weekend
It's Monday, Monday, gotta chug my McCafe
Cause I've got bags under my eyes like they are packin'

If you have any further suggestions for my punishment, please leave them in the comments!

It's Gently-Wafting Curtains for me...

Well, it's the 26th and I'm not quite at the half-way point on revising "The Mark of Flight". There's no way I'm going to achieve the goals I set for myself in this post, so I'm going to have to bear the consequences.

Now, I could just skim through the rest of MoF, half-ass the first lesson on HELLHOUND, and send out a bunch of queries for a manuscript that isn't quite ready, but everyone knows I'm not going to do that. I've invested too much time in both of these stories to give them anything but my best.

With MoF, I realized there are two scenes that need a bit of rewriting now that I've changed the beginning. I'm also a little concerned with how the relationships of the three main characters appear by the half-way point, when they've all gotten split up. I don't know if they've spent enough time together to care about each other yet, or if they even need to care about each other. Duty and guilt is enough to fuel most of the forward action, and the relationships can develop later on.

I decided it was time to get some professional help. (For my manuscript, shut up!) I've contacted a freelance editor I found linked on another author's site and am waiting for a quote and sample. Apparently, her novel edits can be as low as $200, which is really reasonable considering some of her clients have recently been picked up by agents. So yes. As soon as I rewrite those little bits I need for continuity, I'm hoping to ship it off to someone who can take a look at it from an outsider's POV and give me some good advice.

I haven't started on HELLHOUND yet, but I've been brainstorming some great revisions for it, which involve playing laser-tag for the first time since high school. Anyway, I don't want to rush through either revision just to avoid my punishment, so I guess you guys will get to see me torturing myself with the New Moon movie. At least there will be booze involved.

I need a "Team Buffy" tee-shirt.

Goals and Punishment for April

I'm sorry for not posting last week, but things have been heating up around here both literally and figuratively, and it's been difficult to fit everything in. I may, however, have something interesting for you guys in a few days.

In lieu of some sort of discovery analysis, today I want to outline my goals for the month of April.

1. Finish the bulk rewrites for the new segments of "The Mark of Flight"
        -2 scenes, + continuity pass
2. Revise Query letter
3. Do at least the first lesson of Holly Lisle's "How to Revise Your Novel" on HELLHOUND.

And if I FAIL to complete these tasks, my punishment is as follows:

I must watch the second Twilight film from start to finish with the following rules:

  • I cannot mute the sound
  • I must give the movie my full attention
  • I must film myself watching, and produce a video of the results, to be uploaded and displayed on the Word-Accountable Blog.
Now, I read the first Twilight book and watched the first Twilight movie. I have neither read nor seen anything further, though I've heard quite a bit of what happens. I don't think just watching me grimace at the screen would be very entertaining, so I've decided that--if I have to do this punishment--it's going to be a drinking game.

Due to the things I decided to choose as my drinking-cues, Raven has warned me to drink nothing more alcoholic than Smirnoff.

  1. Each time Taylor Lautner is shirtless
  2. Each time I don't believe Robert Pattinson's American accent.
  3. Each time Bella's creeper radar appears to be broken beyond repair.
  4. Each time there's a Vampire/Werewolf fight.
Leave suggestions for further drinking rules in the comments, and wish me luck in completing my tasks.